Docs / Language Manual / ControlFlow

Control Flow

ReScript supports if, else, ternary expression, for and while.

ReScript also supports our famous pattern matching, which will be covered in its own section

If-Else & Ternary

Unlike its JavaScript counterpart, ReScript's if is an expression; they evaluate to their body's content:

ReScriptJS Output
let message = if isMorning {
  "Good morning!"
} else {

Note: an if-else expression without the final else branch implicitly gives () (aka the unit type). So this:

ReScriptJS Output
if showMenu {

is basically the same as:

ReScriptJS Output
if showMenu {
} else {

Here's another way to look at it. This is clearly wrong:

let result = if showMenu { 1 + 2 }

It'll give a type error, saying basically that the implicit else branch has the type unit while the if branch has type int. Intuitively, this makes sense: what would result's value be, if showMenu was false?

We also have ternary sugar, but we encourage you to prefer if-else when possible.

ReScriptJS Output
let message = isMorning ? "Good morning!" : "Hello!"

if-else and ternary are much less used in ReScript than in other languages; Pattern-matching kills a whole category of code that previously required conditionals.

For Loops

For loops iterate from a starting value up to (and including) the ending value.

ReScriptJS Output
for i in startValueInclusive to endValueInclusive {
ReScriptJS Output
// prints: 1 2 3
for x in 1 to 3 {
  Js.log(" ")

You can make the for loop count in the opposite direction by using downto.

ReScriptJS Output
for i in startValueInclusive downto endValueInclusive {
ReScriptJS Output
// prints: 3 2 1
for x in 3 downto 1 {
  Js.log(" ")

While Loops

While loops execute its body code block while its condition is true.

ReScriptJS Output
while testCondition {
  // body here

Tips & Tricks

There's no loop-breaking break keyword (nor early return from functions, for that matter) in ReScript. However, we can break out of a while loop easily through using a mutable binding.

ReScriptJS Output
let break = ref(false)

while !break.contents {
  if Js.Math.random() > 0.3 {
    break := true
  } else {
    Js.log("Still running")