Docs / ReasonReact / ReactJsxTransformation

React JSX Transformation

ReScript uses the @react.component decorator attribute to make your components compatible for JSX usage. This page will explain the low-level details on what this transformation does and how you can manually emulate its behavior yourself.

The make and makeProps interface

A React component module needs to contain two functions:

  • make: A function that receives a single argument props and returns a React.element

  • makeProps: A function that receives multiple labeled arguments (according to prop names) and returns the value that is consumed by make(props)

Let's look at a more concrete example and just check what code @react.component generates for the following component:

// src/Article.res @react.component let make = (~title: string, ~subtitle: string, ~children: React.element) => { <div> <div> {React.string(title)} </div> <div> {React.string(subtitle)} </div> children </div> }

After the transformation, the code will look something like this:

// src/Article.res type props = { "title": string, "subtitle": string, "key": option<string>, // Key is a React specific value that's optional "children": React.element, // children value is mandatory } @bs.obj external makeProps: ( ~title: string, ~subtitle: string, ~key: option<string>=?, ~children: React.element, unit, ) => props = "" let make = (props: props) => { // The props attributes are mapped back to proper binding names (before they were labeled arguments) let title = props["title"] let subtitle = props["subtitle"] let key = props["key"] let children = props["children"] // Now we do our component logic as we are used to <div> <div> {React.string(title)} </div> <div> {React.string(subtitle)} </div> children </div> }

As you can see, the original make function has expanded into two different functions: make(props) and makeProps(~title, ~subtitle, ~children).

Note: bs.obj external makeProps is an attribute for automatically mapping labeled arguments to a newly created object instance where the attributes match the label names.