Docs / ReasonReact / RenderingElements

Rendering Elements

Elements are the smallest building blocks of React apps. This page will explain how to handle React.elements in your React app and describes all important APIs to create, manipulate and render elements to the screen.

Note: This page assumes your bsconfig.json to be set to "reason": { "react-jsx": 3 }, otherwise your JSX will not be transformed to its React specific form.

Element Basics

Let's start out by creating our first React element.

let element = <h1> {React.string("Hello World")} </h1>

The binding element and the expression {React.string("Hello World")} are both of type React.element, the fundamental type for representing React elements within your React application.

Let's say you want to create a function that handles another React element, such as children, you can annotate it as React.element:

let wrapChildren = (children: React.element) => { <div> <h1> {React.string("Overview")} </h1> children </div> } wrapChildren(<div> React.string("Let's use React with ReScript") </div>)

Understanding the definition of a React.element is essential since it is heavily used within the React APIs, such as ReactDOM.render(element, ...), etc. Be aware that JSX doesn't do any automatic string to React.element conversion for you (ReScript forces explicit type conversion). For example <div> Hello World </div> will not type-check (which is actually a good thing because it's also a huge source for subtle bugs!), you need to convert your "Hello World" with the React.string function first.

Fortunately our React bindings bring all necessary functionality to represent all relevant data types as React.elements.

Creating Elements

Creating Elements from string, int, float, array

Apart from using JSX to create our React elements or React components, the React module offers various functions to create elements from primitive data types:

React.string("Hello") // new element representing "Hello" // new element representing "1" React.float(1.0) // new element representing "1.0"

It also offers React.array to represent multiple elements as one single element (useful for rendering a list of data, or passing children):

let element = React.array([ React.string("element 1"), React.string("element 2"), React.string("element 3") ])

Note: We don't offer a React.list function because a list value would impose runtime overhead. ReasonReact cares about clean, idiomatic JS output. If you want to transform a list of elements to a single React element, combine the output of Belt.List.toArray with React.array instead.

Creating Elements from Component Functions

Note: Details on components and props will be described in the next chapter.

Sometimes it's necessary to pass around component functions to create React.elements from (Components are kinda like the template for an instantiated element so to speak). Use the React.createElement function to instantiate your elements:

type props = {"name": string}; let render = (myComp: props => React.element) => { // Now let's create the element <div> {React.createElement(myComp, {"name": "Franz"})} </div> }

Note: This feature is often used when interacting with existing JS / ReactJS code. In pure ReScript React applications, you would rather pass a function that does the rendering for you:

let render = (renderMyComp: (~name: string) => React.element) => { <div> {renderMyComp("Franz")} </div> }

Creating Null Elements

ReScript doesn't allow element || null constraints due to it's strongly typed nature. Whenever you are expressing conditional rendering where a value might, or might not be rendered, you will need the React.null constant to represent Nothingness:

ReScriptJS Output
let name = Some("Andrea")

let element = switch name {
  | Some(name) => <div> {React.string("Hello " ++ name)} </div>
  | None => React.null

<div> element </div>

Creating Variadic Elements

Cloning Elements

Note: This is an escape hatch feature and will only be useful for interoping with existing JS code / libraries.

Sometimes it's required to clone an existing element to set, overwrite or add prop values to a new instance, or if you want to set invalid prop names such as data-name. You can use React.cloneElement for that:

ReScriptJS Output
let original = <div className="hello"/>

// Will return a new React.element with className set to "world"
React.cloneElement(original, {"className": "world", "data-name": "some name"});

The feature mentioned above could also replicate props spreading, a practise commonly used in ReactJS codebases, but we strongly discourage the usage due to its unsafe nature and its incorrectness (e.g. adding undefined extra props to a component doesn't make sense, and causes hard to find bugs).

In ReScript, we rather pass down required props explicitly to leaf components or use a renderProp instead. We introduced JSX punning syntax to make the process of passing down props more convenient.

Using Elements within JSX

You can compose elements into more complex structures by using JSX:

let greeting = React.string("Hello ") let name = React.string("Stranger"); // element is also of type React.element let element = <div className="myElement"> greeting name </div>

JSX is the main way to express your React application as a tree of elements. We will discuss JSX specifics in more detail later on.

Rendering Elements to the DOM

Now that we are able to create and manipulate a tree of React elements, it's time to tell React to render our actual DOM.

First you'd need to find a DOM node to mount your app to. For this, you can use the ReactDOM.querySelector utility function to find your dom node that can later be used by ReactDOM.render to render the React tree:

ReScriptJS Output
// Dom access can actually fail. ResScript
// is really explicit about handling edge cases!
  | Some(root) => ReactDOM.render(<div> React.string("Hello Andrea") </div>, root)
  | None => () // do nothing

Note: The code above expects a dom element in your e.g. index.html, e.g. something like this: <div id="root"/>. This is the parent element React will render your React code into.